Sin is a imaginary disease invented by religions to sell you an imaginary cure .
There was no adam so no fall into sin.
So the imaginary jesus paid a imaginary ransom for your imaginary sin.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
Sin is a imaginary disease invented by religions to sell you an imaginary cure .
There was no adam so no fall into sin.
So the imaginary jesus paid a imaginary ransom for your imaginary sin.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
Sea breeze
you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10: 9
Is this the same jesus/god who killed millions of men women and children and animal's in the bible flood story because they took no note and just lived their lives.
Killed the firstborn in Egypt which would have included babies and children.
Who ordered the genocide of nations so Israel claim the promised land.
Who allowed slavery?
Who allowed Israelite soldiers to abuse and rape captive young girls?
And will soon ride forth on a white horse with his armies and kill men women and children which will include those who have never heard about his forgiveness of sins and his grace because they have been born and raised in the wrong part of the world.
Did you have a look at the topic regarding if there is any evidence that jesus existed etc ,interested to read any evidence you can provide.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
I read a review of that book, and he believes that the four gospels are eyewitnes accounts that's false, they were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events so not eyewitnes accounts, so there is no evidence that a miracle worker called jesus ever existed.
Please do some independent research yourself into the evidence or lack of evidence into jesus and the bible in general.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
I started a thread about a month ago.
What is the evidence is there for a biblical jesus?
So l have a reprobate mind, that's judgemental of you. Just because I did some independent research into the bible including the gospels as not being eyewitnes accounts and written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events and then followed the facts.
You sadly are being controlled and manipulated by religious beliefs into what you are told to believe and failings to do logical research with a open mind and then following the evidence to the conclusion that the bible is a creation of man to control and manipulate and extorted time and money from its followers.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
Sea breeze
As I have asked you many times Can you please provide independently verified evidence that a miracle worker called jesus existed and did the things that are claimed by yourself.
The four gospels are written by anonymous authors many decades after the so called events,so they are not eyewitnes accounts.
Can you please define what you mean by hell?
Christianity and religion's worldwide use manipulation and coercive control over its followers.
There are over 45000 Christian denominations worldwide and more than 200 in the USA with different interpretations of the bible and beliefs.
the first watchtower for 2025 is out, and immediately, articles 4 and 5 drew my attention.
these will be studied near the memorial season, a time the witnesses prepare for their yearly commemoration of jesus’ death, i will be returning on this articles near at the time.
Probably no jws will be reading or watching this so is this someone trying to recruit people to their view of christianity?
Adam was a fictional character, so no fall into sin
Their is no independently verified evidence of a miracle worker called jesus, the four gospels were written by unknown authors many decades after the so called events so no eyewitness,so no one made a blood sacrifice in behalf of mankind's sins.
a black mass is a ceremony celebrated by various satanic groups.
it ... is intentionally a sacrilegious and blasphemous parody of a catholic mass.
- wikipedia.
The book of Matthew was written by an unknown author c 85ce so decades after the so called events and earliest copy is from end of 2nd to early 3rd ce .
So how can you with any certainty claim that the lord's supper took place and these words were uttered at this event and that you have the correct version as you have a copy of a copy etc and that there are no eyewitness to these events.
philip goff, professor of philosophy at durham university, in the past few weeks has said that he has become a christian of a fairly liberal and perhaps somewhat heretical variety.
it’s been a long journey from staunch atheism in his teens, to questioning the basis of his atheism and a purely materialist conception of reality as a professor of philosophy specialising in consciousness, to now considering himself a christian.
he says it’s the result of coming to terms with the fact that atheists and theists both have good arguments and looking for a middle ground that accommodates the best arguments of both.
I found this article regarding consciousness ,you have probably read it already, maybe others on here have a better understanding of consciousness and it's part it's human evolution.
philip goff, professor of philosophy at durham university, in the past few weeks has said that he has become a christian of a fairly liberal and perhaps somewhat heretical variety.
it’s been a long journey from staunch atheism in his teens, to questioning the basis of his atheism and a purely materialist conception of reality as a professor of philosophy specialising in consciousness, to now considering himself a christian.
he says it’s the result of coming to terms with the fact that atheists and theists both have good arguments and looking for a middle ground that accommodates the best arguments of both.
After a personal examination of the bible and the events recorded eg Adam in eve story, world wide flood, exodus from Egypt and the jesus story that there is no evidence that these things actually happened, so the bible is a man made book often using stories from other cultures, 100% sure of that.
That then left the question is there a god I was still unsure so started to investigate that question, looking to science for information, initially regarding the solar system and the fact that a inflation event took place confirmed by scientists,what happened before that we don't know yet ,but a god isn't necessary , the fact that this planet that we live on wasn't designed for life let alone humans as there has been 5 extinction events in the earth's history last one 65 million years ago(check it out at dynamic earth in Edinburgh) and this planet earthquake, floods etc ,and our solar system keeps trying to wipe out life ,because of such evidence I'm convinced that life evolved.
philip goff, professor of philosophy at durham university, in the past few weeks has said that he has become a christian of a fairly liberal and perhaps somewhat heretical variety.
it’s been a long journey from staunch atheism in his teens, to questioning the basis of his atheism and a purely materialist conception of reality as a professor of philosophy specialising in consciousness, to now considering himself a christian.
he says it’s the result of coming to terms with the fact that atheists and theists both have good arguments and looking for a middle ground that accommodates the best arguments of both.
What makes you have a 30% uncertainty in a god?
What makes you have a 60% doubt that the bible is uninspired by god ?